TA的每日心情 | 奋斗 2011-7-28 00:48 |
签到天数: 2 天 [LV.1]初来乍到
2007WBC(World Biketrial Championship)日本站赛事将于8月25至26日在日本坂取进行,以下相关注意事项由日本坂取BikeTrial 办公室提供。
8月23日 (周四) …欢迎会(Welcome Party)
8月24日 (周五) …赛道勘察(Section Inspection for Jury)
首次裁判会议(The 1st Jury Meeting)
领导会议(The Leader Conference)
车手试道(Section Check for Riders)
8月25日 (周六) …首日赛事(The 1st day of Competition)
第二次裁判会议(The 2nd Jury Meeting)
夏日晚会(Summer Festival)
8月26日 (周日) …次日赛事(The 2nd day of Competition)
第三次裁判会议(The 3rd Jury Meeting)
赛场提供淋浴(A shower room is provided at the competition area)
提供免费饮料(Free drinks are provided)
免费行李寄放(Luggage Storage Area is provided Free)
请告知房东或工作人员你的出行时间(Please let your host family or the attend staff know when you go out)
如不需用餐请事先告知(Please tell them if you do not need a meal prepared)
进入房间请脱鞋(Please take your shoes off inside houses)
居家事项(安排居住在居民家的车手) HOMESTAY
如有任何疑问请向所居住房东询问(If you are unsure of any different customs please do not hesitate to ask your host family)
房东将开车送车手至赛场及夏日晚会(Your host family is going to drive you to the sections so that you can do a walk-through check. They are also going to drive you to the summer festival)
房东主要协助车手参加比赛,并无协助观光义务,除非房东有此意向(Please be aware that your host family is here to support you in the competition. Please do not use them for your own sightseeing purposes. If your host family wants to take you sightseeing that is fine, however, please do not expect this from your host family)
旅馆事项(安排居住在旅馆的车手) HOTEL
洗澡和用餐有规定时间,请注意准时(Baths are only available at certain times. Please be aware of these times and be on time. Also please be on time for meals)
如有任何关于习俗的疑问请向工作人员询问(If you are unsure of any different customs please do not hesitate to ask the attend staff)
工作人员将开车送车手至赛场及夏日晚会(The office staff is going to drive you to the sections so that you can do a walk-through check. They are also going to drive you to the summer festival)
提供食宿费用(Around the Competition)
提供机场至坂取的交通(Between Itadori and Airport)
可使用对方负费电话或电话卡拨打国际长途电话(To make an international call please use the collect call service or use an international phone card)
西班牙、瑞典、中国及安多拉不能使用对方负费电话,拨打前先按“0051”,然后用英语或日语告诉接线员所要通话的国家及电话号码(NO collect call service for Spain, Sweden, China and Andorra.Press 0051 first,then tell the operator which country you are calling and the country number. In English or Japanese)
使用国际电话卡先将卡号刮开,键入卡号并按“#”号键,然后键入国家区号及做要拨打的电话号码,如区号以“0”开头可以省略,最后按“#”号键结束(Scratch off the silver colored part on the phone card,Enter the card number followed by the pound sign “# ”,Enter the country code then enter the phone number .if the phone number begins with “0” omit it. Followed by the pound sign “# ”)
可向坂取BikeTrial 办公室购买面值1000日圆的国际电话卡(可通话5分钟左右,时间长短取决于你通话地区),办公室电话为0581-57-2220或81-581-57-2220(You can buy the international phone card for 1,000 at Itadori BikeTrial Office. Tel;:0581-57-2220 / +81-581-57-2220.1,000 card gives you about 5 minutes of talk time. The duration depends on where you call)
请勿在道路上练车,注意车辆及行人(Do not practice cycling on the road, and watch out for cars and pedestrians. You can practice by the river at your own risk)
车手在2天赛事及夏日晚会期间将获得600日元餐卷,不设零找(Riders will get a 600 coupon for the entire 2-day competition and the summer festival on Sat. You will not receive change)
请勿对准人群燃放烟花(Do not aim fireworks at people) |