We'll be out in 50 Acre Wood this Sunday from 11.00 to around 3-ish.
Meet at the start of the trail by the wooden squeeze stile, or give me
a ring on 0771 265 0857 for directions. We'll be working on the top of
the first climb and the muddy enclosed section just before the rocky
downhill. When these are finished the trail should be in pretty good
shape for summer!
As usual tools and materials are supplied (although we have a limited
number of tools so if you're arriving by car you might want to bring a
spade). Please wear sturdy grippy footwear such as walking boots as
it's going to be slippery up there. If you have any questions please
feel free to post them on the forum, and if you're arriving by car
have a look at http://www.bristoltrailsgroup.com for details on where
to park.